Hundreds of wonderful people over the last few years. Each one with an individual way of focussing, laughing, sharing and being challenged. And here's what a few have to say…

Sonja Neitz
Pretoria, South Africa
Module 1
“I cannot stress enough, the positive impact this master class has had on our office, and can highly recommend it to anyone – it is money well spent.”

Gershon Mañana
Pretoria, South Africa
Module 1
“I am truly inspired to launch out into practising architecture in an inspirational way. I think a really great journey has opened up for me and my work.”

Werner van der Meulen
Johannesburg, South Africa
Module 1
“It’s one of the best architecture courses I’ve been on to date. It has really taken me out of my comfort zone and nudged me to look at the way I’m doing things from a new perspective. For that alone, this course is priceless.”

Renee de Waal
Interior Designer
Cape Town, South Africa
Module 1
“I feel inspired and reminded of the finer nuances of design. It was one of the most memorable courses I’ve experienced to date! Thank you to the amazing course leaders.”

Brian Glaser
Architect & Film set designer
Cape Town, South Africa
Module 1 & 2
“NaturalsCool have introduced a whole new quiver to my design lexicon in a manner that was educational, inspirational and fun. Alongside this, the course presented an opportunity to delve into myself and rediscover a passion for the design process, which I haven’t felt for a long while.”

Hennie Oosthuysen
Johannesburg, South Africa
Module 1
“I cannot express what this course has meant to me. I came with one expectation and that was surpassed to the extent that I would call it life changing. From now on, I will face life and work challenges with an open mind and an attitude of anything is possible. This course was worth so much more than I paid for it.”

Alain Briatte Mantchev
IlhaBela, Brasil
Module 1
“From now on, forms have an almost musical meaning for me. I experienced, through a precise process, that beyond each form’s function there is also inherent feeling and experiential value. The course finishes with an ‘I want more’ taste.”

Julie Phillips
Architectural designer
Cape Town, South Africa
Module 1 & 2
"Another wildly inspiring journey, a playful time out of my box. It is so much much more than just being about architecture. It’s a whole inner and outer journey into being human and our connection to all that is. A key to transformation."

Vongai Pasirayi
Gauteng, South Africa
Module 1
"A reviving and confidence building process which opened up my mind to a world of alternative and dynamic design possibilities and design tools. I feel released from a static approach to design and awakened to a meaningful exploration of form and ideas. I am confident once again to use sensitivity and non conventional methods to arrive at creative solutions."

Pelasha Buzuzi
Johannesburg, South Africa
Module 1
"This workshop cultivates self-awareness as well as personal and professional growth. It reminded me of the basics that I often forget and overlook. I left the workshop with a refreshed mind and clear perspective as to what my goals are and most importantly, ready to enjoy my career!"

Francesca Ferranti
Architect / Architectural Engineer
Rome, Italy
Module 1
Un corso surreale e sorprendente. Guardare la realtà che ci circonda per scoprire noi stessi e come la nostra vita non può non essere influenzata dagli spazi in cui viviamo. Conoscere e riconoscere le forme e come ci cambiano è fondamentale per noi, architetti. Fidatevi di Keith e Shannon e lasciatevi sorprendere.

Hendrick Kapepa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Module 1
"It’s a fun, highly interactive course that will definitely throw a curve ball into your expectations and mindset. I encourage everyone to take it up."

Jacinta Nabukenya
Johannesburg, South Africa
Module 1
"I’ve had a design block for the past couple of years. This rut left me bored with my work and worried that I had lost my design mojo/creative edge. This course opened my eyes to; the importance of working with surfaces as opposed to edges as I was used to, the fact that curves and irregular shapes are simple and achievable once understood and how a spectrum of shape and form is actually natural and pleasant to the human experience. I feel equipped to move forward and become creative again!"

Anton de Kock
Cape Town, South Africa
Module 1
"The course made me realize how little I really know. Apart from learning new words, which I never knew existed, I learnt that as an architect I have been inadequately equipped to appreciate, describe, document and use a broad range of surfaces and shapes- specifically curved and warped surfaces. We often fall back on what is easy. What we know and what isn’t challenging. Using and describing curved and complex surfaces in architecture is perceived to be difficult. The course equipped me with the understanding and knowledge required to make complex shapes part of my everyday ‘vocabulary’ of design."

Adam Kwan
Exhibition Architect
Johannesburg, South Africa
Module 1
'Going over the edge is exactly what I’ve been looking for in the design industry. A sort of retreat for designers, work-shopping with others (from different disciplines) and experiencing hands on practical concepts has reaffirmed how essential the basics are. Looking forward to the next module!’
Read an article Adam wrote about the course...